MYGROW Q1. FEEDBACK Step 1 of 7 14% This is the first of 4 surveys that you will complete over the course of this year. This survey will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and your responses will be treated with anonymity. The focus of this survey is to ensure that all Mygrow participants: Understand WHAT Mygrow is all about Appreciate WHY Mygrow is important to them Know HOW Mygrow works Have executed Mygrow quiz & technique WHEN necessary Get an opportunity to share feedback with those WHO represent MygrowEmail* First name* Before we get started, we would like to make sure you are all set up and have started completing your Mygrow modules.* I have been provided with access to the Mygrow platform I have completed the onboarding (i.e. created my profile and completed the EQ assessment and sent to peers to complete an assessment about me) I have access to my EQ assessment and know where to find it on my profile I have completed my first droplet Please check each of the boxes that apply to you. If the box does not apply to you, please leave it blank.Please select the module you are currently completing*M1: BootcampM2: Self-AwarenessM3: Self-PerceptionM4: Self-ExpressionM5: InterpersonalM6: Decision-MakingM7: Stress ManagementM8: Self-Awareness 2M9: Self-RegardM10: Emotional LanguageM11: AssertivenessM12: RelationshipsM13: Problem SolvingM14: FlexibilityM15: Self-Awareness 3M16: Self-ActualizationM17: Emotional ExpressionM18: EmpathyM19: Reality TestingM20: Stress ToleranceM21: Self-Awareness 4M22: Emotional AlchemyM23: IndependenceM24: Social ResponsibilityM25: Impulse ControlM26: Optimism 1.1. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? Mygrow is a technology platform designed to build my IQ / Cognitive Intelligence / Technical skill.* True False 1.2. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? While the Mygrow journey is largely online, I'll get the most benefit by discussing it with my team / family / friends.* True False 1.3. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? While Mygrow and company leadership can support my growth journey, I am ultimately responsible for completing my droplets and effectively completing the relevant techniques.* True False 2.1. Did you know that developing Emotional Intelligence has been identified by the World Economic Forum as a top 10 critical skill?* Yes No 2.2. Select the CORRECT answer. Emotional intelligence techniques help individuals...* a) Communicate better b) Reduce anxiety c) Build resilience d) Manage conflicts e) All of the above 3.1. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? I have a leader who meets with the team regularly and is helping me keep momentum as I complete the Mygrow modules.* True False 3.2. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? I am finding it easy to complete my Mygrow droplet regularly (at least 3 times a week).* True False Please use the space below to explain why you do not find it easy to complete your daily Mygrow droplet.*Please share with us something that helps you complete your droplets regularly.* 4.1. Please share one key learning / revelation / experience you have had as a result of Mygrow so far.*4.2. Is there any additional feedback you would like to give Mygrow? We love hearing how you are changing for the better! Can we reach out to hear your Mygrow story? Yes, please contact me.