Mygrow Facilitator Training Session 2 quiz Having watched the session 2 webinar, please complete the quiz below. Step 1 of 12 8% Personal InformationName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Company(Required) 1. Share what you “Loved, Learned, Lacked and Longed for” in session 1.(Required) 2. Were you familiar with psychological safety before this session?(Required) 3. What is the definition of psychological safety?(Required) 4. What are the four stages of psychological safety?(Required) 5. Which stage do you feel your team and organisational culture are at now?(Required) 6. Describe how psychologically safe you think your work environment is.(Required) 7. In your opinion, what role does psychological safety play in facilitation?(Required) 8. Pick a colour to describe how you are feeling right now and share why.(Required) 9. Use the “Mountain, Plain, Valley” analogy to describe how your Mygrow journey is going.(Required) 10. How are you going to make session 2 a better experience for the team than session 1 was?(Required) 11. Please share how this training experience has been for you so far. We would love to know if you have any feedback, constructive criticism or ideas on how we can improve!(Required)