CFAO MYGROW FEEDBACK Answer the questions below: Step 1 of 16 6% The purpose of this questionnaire is for your company to assess the degree to which Mygrow has been successful as a tool for impacting on its employees. Please click the options that apply to your experience since starting Mygrow.Email* Have you started your journey on Mygrow?* Yes No What prevented you from starting your Mygrow journey?* How effective would you say Mygrow is at improving your Emotional Intelligence?*Highly ineffectiveIneffectiveNeutralEffectiveHighly effective My self awareness has improved significantly since starting Mygrow*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree Mygrow has helped me focus more on the positive things in my life*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree I have seen positive changes in the way I interact with others since starting Mygrow*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree I have been able to handle stress more effectively since starting Mygrow*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree I have become more productive at work since starting Mygrow*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree Mygrow has improved my work life by helping me to:* control my temper react better in conflict situations improve my self-confidence work better with my team communicate more effectively with my team recognise my triggers in different situations relate better to my colleagues find a common language with my colleagues share my feelings with colleagues more effectively other You may check as many boxes as you feel are applicable to your experience on MygrowPlease specify...* Which device do you normally use to access the platform?* Cell phone Laptop Work PC Home PC Tablet Other You may check multiple boxes if you use more than one deviceAre you aware you can access the platform via your cell phone?* Yes No No, please send info on how to do this When do you usually do your Mygrow droplets?* Before I get to work As soon as I get to work Sometime during the morning at work During my lunch break In the afternoon at work During my tea break In the evening at home Just before I go to bed On the weekends At the same time every day Whenever I get a chance You may check as many boxes as you feel are applicable to your experience on Mygrow On average, how many droplets do you complete per week?*1234567On average, how much time do you spend on a droplet?* Less than 5 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes More than 20 minutes Was there anything that stood in the way of you completing your droplets on a regular basis?* Yes No If yes, please explain what stood in the way of you completing your droplets on a regular basis.* How can your company assist you on your Mygrow journey?* I would recommend that my company continue with Mygrow* Yes No Please give some context as to why you feel it would benefit you or your company.*Please give some context as to why you feel it would not benefit you or your company.* Any other comments?*