SIGN UP for the 5-Part Video Series where you will learn how to navigate continuous COVID-waves, manage your productivity and maintain your mental and emotional wellbeing.
As the COVID-waves keep on coming, have you learnt to ride the emotional waves that seem to come with them?
Since we presented our series on Mental Health and Wellbeing in COVID-19 in 2020, some of the key themes we looked at in anticipation of what’s to come, are still relevant. In fact, with issues like stacked trauma, burnout, job losses and organisational restructuring on the rise, we need to revisit some of these themes, take stock of how effectively we responded, and begin to reimagine our world in the light of the far-reaching effects of the pandemic on our work and our lives.
 In a 5-part video series in support of Mental Health Awareness month in October, Mygrow Co-Founders Mark Baker and Theran Knighton-Fitt reflect on the impact on organisations and humans 18 months after presenting their original lockdown webinar series.
SIGN UP NOW to receive the link and join us to explore how Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Mental Health are influenced and impacted by the current burning issues and what you can do to ride the resulting emotional waves more effectively.