Continued lockdowns and restrictions mean Pandemic Fatigue in the workplace is causing teams to lose their ability to be effective and meet organisational goals. With that in mind, it’s essential to activate your team to reimagine their world and move beyond pandemic fatigue.
The Mygrow Pandemic Fatigue Toolkit will help you unlock your team from feeling disempowered, by accessing the power of the human imagination.

Reimaging Your World                                                    

Mygrow Co-Founders, Mark Baker and Theran Knighton Fitt explore the power of the imagination; how it gets restricted by certain factors in our lives and how we can unlock it through developing our EQ.

reset protocols

Organisational Cultural Reset Protocols          

This PDF resource explores the Cebano Culture Shift Model which is a helpful way of reflecting on what your culture has been like, and a great tool for moving towards what you want it to be, going forward. Simply thinking through this framework will help you decide where to focus and where the most change may be needed.

activities that build teams

5 Activities That Build Teams                                                    

In a post lockdown world, having a team where there is trust, respect and appreciation is paramount. Build this in your team by using these brief team-building activities in any meeting. Doing them weekly will cultivate important relational capital in the team.