User story:
![Quotes - white](https://www.mygrow.me/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Quotes-white.png)
We spent some time with Emaline hearing her growth story and the impact that Mygrow has had on her life. The following is what she had to say, shared with her permission.
I have been on Mygrow for about four months now, and it has been exactly what I needed in my life. It came at exactly the right time. Emily, in operations , identified me for the programme, initially I wasn’t sure how I felt about doing Mygrow. I didn’t know what it was about and also wondered why she had approached me for EQ development. I was concerned and wondered if there was a reason that I had been singled out or if there was a problem with me that I had been asked to join the programme. I was also worried that it was going to be a lot of work and require assignments and presentations as things were already hectic with my current work schedule.
I spoke it through with her and she explained that she felt I was the perfect candidate to do Mygrow, that it was going to really benefit me and that it would only take 15 minutes a day. There would also be no assignments or projects and this was a relief to me. I started to give the idea of EQ development some thought and realised that maybe I did need this. Maybe this was exactly what I needed right now in my life…
Fast forward four months and Mygrow has impacted every part of my life.
Personal impact
If I summarise the journey so far I would say that it has been one where I have not only discovered more about who I am but also WHY I am.
It has been incredibly healing to process certain events in my life that I thought I understood but in reality, I needed to heal from, and this has led to big shifts in my understanding and thinking, and ultimately my development and growth as a person.
Leadership growth
Within my work space, Mygrow has impacted and grown my leadership – by this I mean that I have a greater understanding of what my team needs from me, and I have an even greater desire to support my team, both personally and at work.
I’m not someone that holds a grudge, and I generally get over things quickly but with managing 10 branches across Cape Town (that includes a staff complement of over 300 people), when mistakes are made, deadlines are not met or instructions were not follows, I would lose my cool, get snappy and literally throw my toys out the cot.
I have learnt a number of different ways of finding calm and clarity in a heated moment, both the breathing technique and the elastic band technique, which both practically give you the tools to take a step back and find your cool, and then also the realisation that when things are said in a heated moment it can hurt people and that I do not want to lead with fear but rather with mutual respect. My team is saying that there is something different about me, that I am more approachable, more understanding and patient towards them.
“I have developed both the desire and value of listening to my team. When I say listen, I mean really listen. Before, like many, I would listen with a response in mind, looking for an opportunity to speak. It’s a completely different thing to actually listen to hear and understand.”
Improved listening
I have developed both the desire and value of listening to my team. When I say listen, I mean really listen. Before, like many, I would listen with a response in mind, looking for an opportunity to speak. It’s a completely different thing to actually listen to hear and understand. Personally, I have always valued helping people grow and upskilling those in my team, and that’s what Hollywood Bets is about too. We develop people and see them become better. I didn’t realise that my listening to my team was a part of seeing others become better.
Integrated growth
Another shift in my thinking was that I used to separate personal development and work development but now I am seeing that they are so connected. I now value personal conversations and make time to listen to those who approach me to talk. I am seeing that as the whole person develops and feels supported – Hollywood benefits on a work front too.
I am so grateful for Mygrow and the journey I have been on, I feel incomplete when I do not do a droplet – I do it in my personal time and it gives me a chance to reflect on each day and go into the next day with a clear mind, having processed and thought about all the things that I need to reflect on.
I have grown in my self-awareness, as mentioned before I have discovered not only who I am but more importantly WHY I am. I have become more aware of my decisions, my thoughts and my actions. Often our ways of thinking are formed when we are younger
through the things that we go through. When you are given the chance to explore what those are and why we do things in that way, we can think and decide better going forward.
My hope is that everyone in my team will have the opportunity to go on this journey of self-discovery, healing and growth in the same way that I have.