User story:
The impact Mygrow has had on me in my personal life has been amazing.
When I started I just thought it was a tool to improve my leadership and achieve better results from my team. That is happening, but growing my emotional muscles has actually had a bigger impact at home. This has been a really pleasant surprise for me. It’s not often that a training programme that your company pays for actually directly benefits you with the people you love most – your family.
I am someone who is very honest. So I’m not scared to show my frustration when people don’t “get me.” This even happens at home, with me and my 15-year-old son.
Before Mygrow I think I used to just bully my son into doing what I needed him to do. (I know this might sound strange to say but I actually think it’s the truth, and probably true for a lot of parents.) I used to get frustrated if he didn’t listen. But I have come to realise that there are different ways to use this strength of honesty or “saying it like it is”.
Now I am finding much more healthy ways to engage with my son. The other day I got upset with him about procrastinating on a school project, until the very last minute. As a result, he didn’t end up finishing it, and failed the subject for the term. I knew it would happen, and that’s why I nagged him, and why I was upset when I had to give him the old “I told you so!” And when I gave him the scolding I talked a little bit louder than I should have 😉.
But after I had cooled off, I went and I apologised. I sat with him and we discussed it. I really listened and took the time to try and understand his perspective and what he was thinking and feeling. The difference in that interaction was really cool. In the past when I would “bully” him into doing what I wanted him to do, he would disengage and withdraw. But now he is communicating with me. Of course, I hope his school marks improve, we will see, but what I am really excited about is that our relationship has already improved, and that’s what really matters at the end of the day.
“… what I am really excited about is that our relationship has already improved, and that’s what really matters at the end of the day.”
My wife has seen the difference in my parenting and now she watches my Mygrow droplets with me. She is starting to learn the Mygrow language too, and the way of operating. I want her to sign up for herself.
So, I guess the change I have seen in myself is that now I am learning to use my strength of honesty in ways that are more compassionate, instead of self-righteously bullying people into doing things the way I see or say they should be done.