User story:
Mygrow is a life-changing process. For me, it came at exactly the right time.
I have always been a “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” kind of guy. I used to be quite abrupt. I would call a spade a spade and didn’t care what other people thought.
But recently I was getting quite frustrated in my career. I was having an inner fight with what I was doing, I wasn’t enjoying work. There was a restlessness in me and I was feeling like I needed to be more successful or needed a change or something. I wasn’t content.
My wife has always been the biggest soundboard for me, and she said “You can’t change the world, you have to change yourself.” That’s what has happened in my Mygrow process. I have been able to start changing myself. The last few months have really opened my eyes. I realise now that there’s more to life than work. That sense of discontent has eased. I feel I have learned so much that I can apply in my life. And I am applying it, and seeing the difference.
Recently I met with an old colleague, from another business division, that I haven’t seen in a while. When we were chatting he said to me, “You seem calmer? More relaxed and settled.”
I told him it was because of Mygrow.
“By changing myself I am seeing others better now. I used to get upset and take everything personally. But now I listen a lot more. I am able to put myself in their shoes and I realise I do actually care what they think. Now I can stand back.”
Even on holiday, I do my Mygrow droplets.
This growth has changed the way I relate to my work, but I am even more grateful for the change it’s had for me at home. My family is benefitting from the new me. I used to be black or white, even with the kids. Now there’s some grey and I’m able to chat with my children better. In the past, after a tough day at work, I would be irritable when I got home. As an example, I used to get upset with my daughter if she was being too jovial or playful when I was tired after a long day. I might have snapped at her or been grumpy about it. That’s changed. Mygrow has helped me prioritise my family and my relationships with them. My wife says she can see a change. Now I have a structure to make my family life more of a priority.
The skills Mygrow gives you are essential for both your personal and professional life. I recommend it.