User story:
My journey with Mygrow has been all about accepting my weakness.
It began with me being the 7th son of 11 kids. I am from the DRC in The Congo. My father never knew his own dad, and some of the psychological damage that had on him would come out on us as kids. Whenever we struggled with things he would say we were spoiled, and I never felt worthwhile or that there was space for my feelings. Eventually, I felt isolated even within my own family, like I wasn’t part of it.
No matter what I tried, I never felt good enough and it seemed like he, and eventually, I, was just never happy with what I did or achieved.
My biggest challenge came when I ended up going to study architecture because I so badly wanted to please him that I just did what he told me to do. But it really didn’t work for me and I failed… and that just confirmed that I was a failure.
I felt ashamed and the shame caused me to pull back from those around me. I would avoid friends and colleagues and eventually I built up walls around me to hide the shame. I wasn’t free to engage with people as myself, warts and all.
When I look at how I was reacting, it was difficult for me to accept any feedback or remarks from people. So I was difficult to work with. I didn’t want to be blamed for anything in case it made me feel like a failure so I would argue with people a lot. People would say I couldn’t take feedback and it was like walking on egg-shells around me.
But that has changed now.
After starting Mygrow I have come to understand many of the reasons why I get triggered by things. I know now why I have tried to hide who I am, and the failures I’ve made along the way. I’ve learned that failures are not ‘me’, they are just evidence of trying.
So now I am able to receive feedback and it is ironically helping me to grow and build better relationships with those around me.
“Sometimes, my emotions still try to get me to respond in an angry way. But Mygrow has equipped me to more effectively manage my emotions to make decisions and respond in more appropriate ways.”
When Mygrow started I had no idea that it would have such a powerful impact on me. It has helped me to understand my place in the world and navigate subconscious triggers from the story of my life.
Mygrow is not about my work, but about myself.
Mygrow is healing and restoring things from the past that have held me back.
Now, the first thing I think when I wake up is “I have to do my Mygrow!”. Each day it takes me to the next level of me, and I don’t want to miss even a day of that.