User story:

Sahesh Siblall
Smollan - Divisional Sales and Operations Manager
...We didn’t set out to create a culture of inclusivity, or to build a high-performing team, these things have just happened as a direct result of my own growth as a leader.
Beyond Metrics / User Stories / Sahesh Siblall

I’m in operations, so my default setting is to find solutions to problems. I used to feel that I needed to fix everything myself. But that’s not very helpful for leading a team. It can make people feel like they have nothing to offer.


That has changed since I started growing my EQ on Mygrow.


We started Mygrow with some of the managers at work. In the beginning, I did about 2 droplets a week. Now I do it every day. I start my day with Mygrow before going for my morning run. It has become a daily habit for me and I have seen quite a big shift in myself. The main change has been in the way I approach people and situations now. I no longer see everything as a problem that I must fix. I more easily rely on what other people bring to the table, and collaborate to solve problems. This has made a huge difference at home, as you can imagine, with the way I related to my wife. But it has also made a difference in my team at work.

“The self-development from Mygrow has broken down barriers for me. I’ve learned to let go of a lot of what I was holding onto in my relationships, both at home and at work.”

I think one of the main ways that people grow when they develop their EQ (the way Mygrow helps them to) is that they learn how to belong and fit into a group of people that all have something to offer. As a leader, I have learned to trust that my own team can also find solutions to problems. Sometimes with my guidance, but other times just from the unique strengths they each bring to the team. Everyone is unique and Mygrow has helped me to become confident enough in my team, so much so that we have been able to unlock different ways of dealing with situations by including different ways of approaching and handling the problems that need fixing.


The direct result has been that our culture has become a lot more inclusive. The environment feels safer, making people feel they can add value. So now I have a high-performance culture in my team. But we didn’t set out to create a culture of inclusivity, or to build a high-performing team, these things have just happened as a direct result of my own growth as a leader. By gaining a better “working understanding” of how humans work, and work together, this new culture is unlocking creativity in the individual team members. Each person is unique and they now feel free to contribute their unique strengths to the problems we need to solve as a team.


Everyone feels they can contribute now, and I am not rushing to take over and hold all the responsibility every time anything needs to be solved. It has also alleviated a lot of stress for me. Because now it’s not “all on me” all the time.

We are busy looking at how everyone in the team can go on the same Mygrow process that our leaders have, because of what we believe it can do to improve our teams even more. Working with leaders is great, but I think we will see the impact supercharged when the team members themselves can grow, as I have.


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