User story:

Shem Otieno
Kisumu Water & Sanitation Company Ltd - Head of ICT
Mygrow is like a shock absorber in my life: It helps me travel the bumpy road without feeling all the bumps as much.

I started Mygrow about 2 months ago and I am loving the experience. The Johari window in particular was very helpful in understanding myself and growing in my self-awareness. It’s also helped me strengthen my positive thinking instead of letting myself build up negative thinking that others might trigger in me. It has also improved my decision-making. If I were to describe Mygrow to someone I would say it has helped me in better understanding myself and dealing with my environment.


The biggest thing is how I have changed the way I work with my team. My colleagues have noticed a change in me too. They can see that now I am better at delegating things. In the past, I would either do everything myself or tell people what to do and then not follow up. Now I follow up with them on their projects and am better at coaching them along the way as well as listening to their views and opinions on what we should do. So I take their feedback and input better than I used to. This has meant I am actually collaborating instead of telling them what to do, or doing it alone.

“I would love to use Mygrow within my team as well, so they can grow too.”


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