Beyond Metrics / Case Studies / Nedbank
Lessons from a senior manager on how to unlock teams using Mygrow
We spent some time with Gys from Nedbank, hearing about the impact that Mygrow has had on different teams that he has introduced to Mygrow. He ends off with telling us about the change in his own team, as well as the change in himself.
I was introduced to Mygrow in 2019 (in my role at the time as an organisational development consultant at Nedbank Wealth division). Right from the beginning I was intrigued.

I jumped in and I began to experiment.
Intervention 1:
Actuaries, in isolation
The first team that I introduced to Mygrow were a team of actuaries. (Full disclosure: It didn’t go super well! Not because actuaries don’t need Emotional Intelligence, they do, but because I was still learning how best to use the tool – how to make it really work for us.) The actuaries were, unfortunately, sceptical – right from the start. They were completely resistant to the idea of Mygrow.
In this first attempt at a Mygrow intervention we had decided to leave it up to each individual team member to decide for themselves whether they saw value in the tool, or whether they didn’t. Sadly, they didn’t. Without the group experience of going on an individual journey, at the same time, it was dead in the water before we could make it work.
I am grateful that I didn’t throw in the towel on this first failed experiment, though. And grateful for the helpful insights I discovered during this exercise.
Intervention 1:
- I think the main lesson I learned was there is a “right way” and a “wrong way” to use every tool – and Mygrow is no exception. In this case we tried to roll out Mygrow in the wrong way. Next time I would make sure to make it a collective experience.
Intervention 2:
Insurance, as a team
I didn’t waste any time trying again. This time I rolled out Mygrow to a team of leaders within the Nedbank insurance group. The team context was different, as well as the approach I took. There was already a desire to see leadership growth within people in the team, and this was a helpful motivator. But more importantly, from my previous learnings, this time we approached it as a TEAM, instead of individually.
We set expectations communally, and put the right people in place to champion the roll out before we launched. We treated the Mygrow process as a change-management process that needed to be managed intentionally.
Part of what makes Mygrow such a powerful tool is the reporting system that managers have access to. This keeps you updated on both group and individual progress, as well as engagement data. Through this reporting system I could keep tabs on where everyone was in the process. Not like a policeman, but to help where I could. I could check-in and assist individuals, and the team – helping them to form the habits needed to get the most out of Mygrow’s daily droplet pedagogy.
So far so good. We were off to a better start than I had experienced in the first attempt.
In the end this team found huge benefit from being on Mygrow together, and this solidified my confidence in the tool.
Intervention 2:
- When you launch Mygrow properly, with champions and a shared commitment as a group, you can really see the fruit.
- I was surprised that the strongest leaders seemed to get the most out of Mygrow. This was a little counter-intuitive for me at first.
Intervention 3:
My own team
I lead a team that is responsible for delivering a service in the business, and I’m serious about helping my team deliver that value – effectively and efficiently.
In consultation with Elmarie (one of my senior leaders) I heard about some of the personal challenges that a number of our team members were facing. I knew Mygrow would help us. So together Elmarie and I rolled it out for our team.
With the lessons I had learned, and the fruit I’d seen with the insurance team, I was confident that I would see an impact with our team members. I was excited to get the ball rolling. I knew what we needed to do to see results, and I was ready to roll my sleeves up and make that happen. That’s exactly what we did, and I am happy to report that I have indeed, again, seen the results.
“ I strongly believe in this product and process, and I cannot recommend Mygrow highly enough.”
– Gys Du Toit – Senior Workforce Planning Manager
The context:
Some of my colleagues were suffering from dynamics like low self-confidence and other general challenges navigating different aspects of their personal lives. I knew Mygrow was a great way to give everyone the support and internal resources they needed, but that the only way to see that impact was to go on the journey together. I knew it would really unlock us as a team.

I have been on many different EQ courses – Mygrow is different. And when I say different I mean much better. It is practical and actually changes you – all of us have grown from Mygrow.
– Elmarie Le Roux
The intervention:
Knowing that growth must be modelled, I decided to personally play the role of a Mygrow champion within my team, taking a very active lead in growing by example. I committed to leading this intervention well, showing the team how to use the tool the way it’s supposed to be used, and trying to create a healthy dynamic of growth for us. I am not perfect, but I have tried to be quite consistent and set an example of commitment and growth, and I think it’s been received well.
We have regular check-in’s as a team where we reflect together on our growth. Each person is given a space to share what is relevant to them – the things they are learning and their growth points.
Mygrow has given us a common language and a shared growth experience as a team
“I noticed the way team members deal with stress and personal issues much more effectively now. I have also seen growth in confidence and self-awareness in others. As the team is doing this together it is easier for them to share their individual journeys and experiences.”
– Elmarie Le Roux
The impact:
Increased Vulnerability and Psychological Safety
One of the valuable by-products of the Mygrow experience is increased vulnerability. I made the decision early on in the journey to lead the way here too. In my case, the biggest growth area was to improve my self-expression. My EQ peer assessment results indicated that I may have overestimated where I am at in that area. So, to try and model vulnerability, and improve my self-expression, I shared my EQ assessment results with my team. It was a very personal and exposing thing to do, but I knew if I wanted to be intentional about normalising growth and development, I would have to model it. Those that were comfortable have also shared their own growth areas. It’s created even deeper psychological safety. We know that none of us are perfect and we aren’t trying to pretend we are. We now feel safe to bring our whole selves to the team.
One of my team leaders realised through the journey that there was a need to pursue some counselling. The team’s Mygrow experience has created a safe place to work out these real life and growth areas, and support each other. The result has been a positive team identity and it has had an awesome impact on our team dynamic and culture.
“I recommend it all the time to other team leaders at Nedbank. The collective result of all of us in the team doing Mygrow together has been an increase in vulnerability and psychological safety in our team culture.”
– Elmarie Le Roux
The impact:
As someone that is trained in industrial psychology, I found that Mygrow brought heightened levels of awareness but also application back into my own life.
I think the temptation for many leaders who use Mygrow in their teams would be to think “This is for my team, not me. They need it… I don’t”. But I have seen the impact in a personal capacity too. Remembering and recalibrating my strengths has been helpful and I have actually sought out new ways to use them.
You see, knowing the information is not the same as applying the techniques and actually seeing change happening in yourself. I know many things that are helpful and useful, but do I actually practice and apply them? Well… now I can truthfully say I do.
This is the biggest difference between Mygrow and other EQ training solutions. With Mygrow you actually shift behaviour, not just knowledge. Forming good or healthy habits is vital because you can’t change or develop overnight. In order to really get to a place of self-reflection and growth you need time. Mygrow gives you that time.
I don’t do anything that I don’t buy into, and I have personally bought into the power that comes with the Mygrow tool. It really helps people to grow. It requires a personal willingness to commit, but if harnessed as a team, you can grow and share your growth together. I have also found that those 15 minutes of daily reflection are in itself a powerful and helpful habit to create.
Below are some comments from Elmarie and others in the team who wish to remain anonymous.
“In my own life the tools it gave me to deal with the PTSD after an armed break-in have been more helpful than 9 weeks of expensive therapy. Mygrow will change your life, and change your team.”
– Elmarie Le Roux

Mygrow is like dusting a mirror, and seeing things that were there but you weren’t aware of, things that were hidden or dusty and neglected, looking at them, reframing them and being able to view them in the light.
– Annonymous

I realised that I needed to adjust my perspective to the value of my husband in our relationship as we contribute differently to our household.
– Annonymous

Mygrow’s positive psychology practices have helped me to be more attentive to my non-verbal behaviour, which I have adjusted to show more appreciation, strengthening my relationships.
– Annonymous

“Mygrow created the fertile ground for my husband and I to have a “truth and reconciliation” conversation, while we were visiting the 9/11 memorial in New York City. This is something which we had never been able to do before, and really brought us so much closer to each other.”
– Annonymous
In conclusion:
Mygrow is a great tool. It has truly helped me and my team members to grow, practically, on a daily basis. Individually, yes, but more importantly it is the collective impact of Mygrow that our team has really seen. If you would like to get in touch with me to chat further about how Mygrow has helped us, please feel free to contact me. The Mygrow team can give you my details. I would love to chat and answer any questions.
“Mygrow is the best thing that has ever happened to our team”
– Elmarie Le Roux