Emotional intelligence

Find Out Now. What Skills Leaders Most Need to Survive Industry 4.0

Find Out Now. What Skills Leaders Most Need to Survive Industry 4.0

facebooklinkedinWe are facing a world where many of the capabilities that used to be in the realm of humans, are being replaced by technology. The contribution made by people that drives business success is changing. Which leaves leaders with a few vital questions:...

The Empowerment Dynamic

The Empowerment Dynamic

facebooklinkedinShifting from Victim to Creator is the Best Way to Grow Stop playing the Victim to someone’s Persecutor. Or Rescuer to someone playing the Victim. To do this,...

The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

facebooklinkedinWhat makes a great leader? When you reflect on this question, you probably come up with something like: confidence, humility, influence, empathy, and that special quality that makes them uniquely who they are. They’re comfortable in their own skins....

You CAN Still Grow – Traumatic events and Posttraumatic Growth

You CAN Still Grow – Traumatic events and Posttraumatic Growth

facebooklinkedinTraumatic events, like COVID-19, can have numerous negative physical and psychological consequences. So, it may be comforting to know that even the most traumatic events that deeply shake our sense of self, can help us grow. What is a traumatic...

4 Essential Keys To Leadership Success In The “New Normal”

4 Essential Keys To Leadership Success In The “New Normal”

facebooklinkedinHow can you be a powerful leadership influence in the coming months, post-lockdown? These four keys are fascinatingly powerful to help you lead, particularly whilst navigating COVID-19 with your teams. They help unlock your leadership potential,...



facebooklinkedinDownload This FREE EBOOK To Empower Your Managers To Lead Effectively. If you find yourself responsible for other people or have team members that need to lead, we want to give you a copy of our Free eBook on empowering managers to lead.   In the eBook...

Shifts in Workplace Value Systems

Shifts in Workplace Value Systems

facebooklinkedin"The finance guy looks at the line item for training and development and he says, “We can cut this. What if we invest in our people, and they leave?” But the CEO, who was worth his stripes and knew what he was doing, replied, “But what if we don’t, and...

Expresso Show Interview with Mark Baker

Expresso Show Interview with Mark Baker

facebooklinkedin"The position of a boss is an interesting relationship you know. Essentially you get thrown in with this dominant person that you spend more time with than your husband or your wife. You haven’t necessarily chosen to be with them, and yet you are...

Forming Habits: The Secret to Great Leadership

Forming Habits: The Secret to Great Leadership

facebooklinkedinAre people just born leaders? Is there some secret sauce that they are fed as toddlers? Or are they just the lucky ones who do one important thing at one fortunate moment in time that serendipitously causes them to become a leader? Or are repeated...

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