Emotional intelligence

Grow your self-awareness like this

Grow your self-awareness like this

facebooklinkedinSelf-awareness is being able to consciously reflect on one’s thoughts, feeling, or emotions (Duwal & Wickland, 1972). Essentially it's the skill of being able to look at yourself objectively, know what you are feeling and experiencing, and identify why...

Are you stuck in the Drama Triangle?

Are you stuck in the Drama Triangle?

facebooklinkedinWhat's with all the drama?Do you sometimes struggle with feeling manipulated, controlled, or guilty in your relationships? It can feel overwhelming and like you're stuck in a constant power struggle. It doesn't have to be this way though. There is a...

Should workplace behaviour form part of your KPIs?

Should workplace behaviour form part of your KPIs?

facebooklinkedinIt's no secret that at Mygrow we believe your biggest and most valuable resource is your people.A crucial part of your success is thus inspiring, motivating, and calling your people to more. Put another way, if you want your people to perform at their...

The Role of EQ in shifting Organisational Culture

The Role of EQ in shifting Organisational Culture

facebooklinkedinThe core of culture change Culture can be defined as "the way we do things around here"1. Culture is not the posters on the wall, or the well-written core values statement or expected behaviours. Rather, it is what people do. The way they behave, the...



facebooklinkedinWhat is Emotional Intelligence? Many people talk about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) but often with an inadequate understanding. EQ is something very specific. Well, actually, it is a specific set of things.  Here are three definitions from the...

Between a Rock and a hard place: Lessons from the Oscar’s slap

Between a Rock and a hard place: Lessons from the Oscar’s slap

facebooklinkedinAs the dust settles on the infamous “Oscar’s slap” Mygrow Chief Humanising Officer, Theran Knighton-Fitt reflects on what this incident teaches us about the power of emotions, and challenges us to be more human as we travel on “the road to be better.” ...

Introverts in healthy teams

Introverts in healthy teams

facebooklinkedinIt’s Friday, the end of what has felt like a very long week. We are back in the office three days a week now and it's been quite an adjustment for this introvert over here. And as much as I know the theory, and have done the research, I still find...

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